dog judge造句


  1. His lap-dog judges impose crippling libel judgments to silence press criticism of their master.
  2. Usually a license as a dog judge is granted by either a breed association or a kennel club.
  3. In 1931, Ethel Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge from New Jersey attended the show as the Shepherd Dog Judge.
  4. A dog judge must know the gait requirements in the Standard of the breed he or she is judging.
  5. Rangarajan died in 2007 and was, in addition to his position in The Hindu, an international dog judge and film producer.
  6. It's difficult to find dog judge in a sentence. 用dog judge造句挺难的
  7. Ferelith Hamilton, later Somerfield, one of Britain's best known dog judges, edited the paper from 1967 to 1986.
  8. Despite this adulation, a vituperative right-wing calumniator regularly denounces Lee for using lap dog judges to silence internal opposition and intimidate journalists.
  9. The Stockport Greyhound Racing Co Ltd that initiated the construction was led by their Chairman J . W Marples, a well-known dog judge.
  10. The shelter has been housing two other dogs judged vicious in March and December 1993, said Mary Felix-Klenk, animal supervisor at the shelter.
  11. And for a champion dog, you also mark closely how straight the spine is in ambulation : in dog judging, haughtiness is often second only to godliness.
  12. Judith was also a well known and respected breeder of English Toy Spaniels ( or King Charles Spaniels as they were known in England ), and a dog judge.
  13. When being evaluated at a conformation show, dogs judged for conformation that benefits working ability, with deviations from the standard penalised according to the amount that they interfere with working ability.
  14. According to " The Nicholas Guide to Dog Judging " by Anna Katherine Nicholas, judges look at type, or how closely a dog matches breed standards, balance, style, soundness and condition.
  15. While he was studying he published four books relating to Bull Terriers in the 1930s, as well as one book on recollections of his dog judging travels, and possibly the only book of verse about Bull Terriers.
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


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